
Showing posts from July, 2020

Hast-o-Bood Part-33

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir After repeated recapture of Qila Tharuchi, Colonel Rehmatullah Dogra, in consultation with Captain Pritam Singh, formed several platoon patrols in the area, just adjacent to the residence of Col. Raja Muhammad Mahmood Khan and a few steps away from the house. But he set up his own military post so that he could keep a close eye on the activities of the Colonel and his associates. Gurkha soldiers were stationed at this post. Now the situation became very serious for the Colonel. The next day, when Colonel Rehmatullah also came to change the outpost, Colonel Raja Muhammad Mahmood Khan requested him to discuss evacuation. So for a while, both of them listened to each other's point of view as Muslim brothers. Col. Raja Muhammad Mahmood Khan told Col. Rehmatullah that we are both Muslims and the ruler of the state, being a Sikh, has been an enemy of Islam since his ancestors. If we do not get rid of th

Hast-o-Bood Part-32

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir Now the axis of jihad was the area of ​​Colonel Raja Muhammad Mahmood Khan, Gulpur, Tharoch and Khatkali, within which the stronghold of Tharochi was the last colonial symbol of the Dogra government in this area. There were two platoon forces in this fort. One platoon consisted of Muslim soldiers and officers while the other platoon was led by Captain Prem Singh Gorkha. But the two officers in the Muslim platoon were Colonel Muhammad Hussain and Commandant Colonel Rehmatullah. In this respect, the top leadership of each of the two platoons was with Colonel Rehmatullah, who summoned Colonel Raja Muhammad Mahmood Khan to Fort Tharochi. Raja Sahib already knew Colonel Rehmatullah well. So they went to him without fear or danger. He requested Raja Sahib for supplies and food. Which was provided by Raja Sahib under the spirit of Islamic brotherhood and goodwill. He was also asked to contact the local Hindu

Hast-o-Bood Part-31

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the  state of Jammu and Kashmir Col Muhammad Mahmood Khan (Late) Maharaja Gulab Singh Dogra repaired the strongest fort at Kotli in the area of ​​Tharuchi at his discretion and established a strong military outpost here in view of its warlike importance, administrative grip of the government and to subdue the Mangral nation. It lasted till Pak and India. With the emergence of the state of Pakistan, the independence movement in the state of Jammu and Kashmir also gained momentum and the struggle to take off the shoes of Dogra slavery began in earnest. The Mangral Rajputs have been burning with national pride and revenge for the last century. Most of his men had been recruited into the British army and had been compromising for a long time under the pretext of keeping the blood warm. Most military pensioners lit torches under fire. Who knew that the fort of Tharochi which had been acquired by Sardar Sattar Muhammad Khan Mangral and h

Hast-o-Bood Part-30

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the  state of Jammu and Kashmir Throchi Fort When Raja Sahanspal graduated from the affairs of the empire, he began to take an in-depth look at the spread of Islam in the state and the tendencies of the people. Islamic brotherhood, tolerance, organization and morality greatly influenced him. Day by day meditation and interest attracted him to the true religion and he could not stay without reading the word. With his conversion to Islam, all the followers of Kotli converted to Islam. Raja Sahans Pal did not change his name despite becoming a Muslim. He built a settlement called Kotli Mangralan in the valley of Koh-i-Tali, at the foot of the mountain, to keep the memory of his great heir Raja Mahangarpal fresh. [1]. And with all his might he established a permanent capital for his future generations. The population grew day by day. On the death of Raja Sahans Pal, his four princes Raja Dan Khan, Raja Tatar Khan, Raja Kandahar Khan an

Hast-o-Bood Part-29

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the  state of Jammu and Kashmir Sehensa Valley Raja Sahans Paul was a man of ingenuity, foresight and broad-mindedness. He realized from his God-given intellect that nature was kind to him and that the paths to the crown were automatically paved for him. So, with great wisdom and dignity, he accepted this responsibility by giving alms to the noble chiefs and assured them in every possible way that he would keep their rickshaw completely. At the same time, he announced that he would leave some of his comrades in his present village and take up residence in the mountain range of the nobles, not in Tarana. He had settled in a new place with his faithful followers. Here, too, Raja Sahans Pal, with his traditional tolerance, love and reconciliation, royalty and generosity, won the hearts of the people of Mouza and the surrounding area, and soon the common people began to sing his praises. Even the influence of the noble chiefs gradually

Hast-o-Bood Part-28

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir Maharaja Sri Sir GANGA SINGHJI Bahadu A comfortable and scenic route leads from Rawalpindi to Kashmir. Thirteen miles from Rawalpindi to Bhara Kahu, twelve miles from Bhara Kahu to Trit, thirteen and a half miles from Trit to Koh Meri Sunni Bank, fourteen miles from Sunny Bank to Pahguari, fourteen and a half miles from Bhagwari to Kohala, twelve miles from Kohala to Dulai, two miles from Dulai, two miles. Fourteen miles from Garhi, thirty-two miles from Garhi to Chakoti, thirteen miles from Chakhoti to Ori, thirteen and a half miles from Ori to Rampur, fourteen miles from Rampur to Baramulla, seventeen miles from Baramulla to Patan, and seventeen miles from Patan to Srinagar. The history of the Mangral nation is shrouded in the blur of the past and the dust of time. The successive rulers of this nation, like other former heads of state, chose the best storytellers of the state and members of the here

Hast-o-Bood Part-27

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir Maharaja Hari Singh (Last Ruler of Jammu and Kashmir) In the history of the subcontinent, the reorganization of the Muslim League and the war for the acquisition of Pakistan under the enthusiastic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah Rah also created enthusiasm and longing for freedom among the Muslims of the state. Now, according to the need of the hour, the Muslim Conference was formed and thus the Kashmiri people under the leadership of their beloved leaders Sardar Abdul Qayyum, Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim, Chaudhry Ghulam Abbas, Mr. KH Khurshid, Mir Waiz Muhammad Yusuf, Mir Waiz Muhammad Farooq etc. Jump into action. Maharaja Hari Singh tried his family prescription. The guerrillas were fired upon several times and on various occasions, but it was impossible to build a sand barrier in the face of the floods. With the announcement of the formation of Pakistan, the military-trained pensi

Hast-o-Bood Part-26

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir Maharaja Ghulab Sing The Sikh forces were reduced to 20,000 infantry and 12,000 cavalry. And a war ransom of Rs. 1.5 crore was imposed against them. Since the treasury was completely empty, paying the ransom was a great pain for the Sikh government. On this occasion, Sardar Gulab Singh Dogra's timely, cunning and predictable work came to fruition. During the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, as a general, he saw the intoxication of rule and the lust for rule in order to please the British. With great flattery and cunning, he made a treaty with them at Amritsar on March 16, 1846, and in exchange for Rs. And so a so-called democracy and truth-loving British ruling nation who had overthrown the Muslim rule in India through fiber, conspiracies and divisions. The region of this dominant Muslim majority was sold to the Sikh Dogris without any practical domination through bargain

Hast-o-Bood Part-25

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir Maharani Jandan Kaur This army completely conquered the state of Kashmir on the eleventh day of Ramadan in the year 1234 AH and made it a sub-state of the Sikh court. Nine Subedars ruled Kashmir one after the other in different periods on behalf of the Sikh Government Lahore. Among them are Egypt's Diwan Chand, Diwan Devi Das, Diwan Moti Ram, Prince Sher Singh [1] from 1832 to 1834 AD, Diwan Hari Singh Nalwa, Diwan Karparam Shrayon, and [2] Maharaja Ranjit Singh's Khubro. Ardali Bhamma Singh is worth mentioning. The latter was appointed Subedar of Kashmir in the year 1831 AD. Maharaja Ranjit Singh valued beautiful and tall people. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly. The Sikh rule of Kashmir from Darbar-e-Lahore spans from 1819 to 1846 AD. Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in 1839. After his death, from the womb of his queen Raj Kaur, his son Kharak Singh ascended th

Hast-o-Bood Part-24

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir Dargah Hazrat Bal, Srinagar Khwaja Sahib fell ill as soon as he reached Lahore while enduring the hardships of travel. Official emissaries also reached Lahore soon and reached Delhi in the service of the Emperor of India with Khawaja Nooruddin Aisha Bari along with an Abyssinian slave and Moe Mubarak. Khwaja Sahib succumbed to his injuries. Emperor Mohi-ud-Din Aurangzeb visited Muay Mubarak with great enthusiasm, devotion and respect and ordered that this rare divine gift be taken to Khwaja Moin-ud-Din Chishti at Ajmer Sharif and preserved for the visit of God's people. The order of Shah Waqt was immediately complied with. But just nine days after Muay Mubarak reached Ajmer Sharif, the emperor visited the Holy Prophet (sws) in a dream and he ordered that Muay Mubarak be sent to Kashmir immediately. As soon as he woke up from his dream, the emperor, in obedience to this edict of the Prophet, bestow

Hast-o-Bood Part-23

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir After the death of Emperor Jahangir, [1] Prince Khurram as Abul Muzaffar Shahabuddin Shah Jahan became the Emperor of India. He visited Kashmir four times during his reign from 1627 to 1657 AD. The first time was in 1635 AD, the second time was in 1638 AD, the third time was in 1642 AD and the fourth and last time was in 1650 AD. He was fond of construction. He planted several gardens here. Build palaces, baths, twelve rivers, etc., and repair and expand the buildings of your ancestors. This Mughal crown prince is also well known for his aesthetic tastes. He built the Peacock Throne at a cost of 200 million rupees. And he built the eighth wonder of the world, the Taj Mahal, in Agra as a visual love and devotion to the death of his beloved Queen Mumtaz Mahal. On the death of Emperor Jahan, his goal was to be a virtuous, just, fair-minded, pious and pious son of Mohi-ud-Din Aurangzeb, the universal king

Hast-o-Bood Part-22

  Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir   Rajouri On this Yaqub Chick martyred him by falsely accusing him of conspiring with Shams Chick and Mughal ruler India against him. Rented Qazi Musa Shaheed was considered the judge of the Sunni country. His only guilt was that he refused to issue a fatwa at the behest of Yaqub Chick, asking the muezzins to include the word "Ali Wali Allah" in the call to prayer, as they considered it against the teachings of Muhammad. Fed up with the growing tyranny of the Czech rulers, two sons of Kashmir, Baba Dawood Khaki and Sheikh Yaqub Sarbari, the last Sultan Yusuf Shah in the time of Czech, ruled the Mughal court of Delhi in 1585 AD. On reaching there, the Sunni Muslims complained to the king about the horrors of Kashmir and the many incidents of humiliation. He was very impressed and ordered his Sardar Bahadur Singh to assassinate the state. But the campaign was not successful. The Mu

Hast-o-Bood Part-21

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir   Bulbul Shah spent the rest of his ascetic life in the company of Sadruddin and passed away in the year 727 AH, 1366 AD, ie only two years later. Through the efforts of this Sufi preacher of Islam, the Islamic state emerged in the state of Kashmir and after the rule of Sadruddin, the Muslim rulers remained the masters of the black and white state for a total of 494 years till 1819 AD. All of them treated their subjects with sincerity and tolerance, regardless of the country and the nation. He ruled in the hearts of the people because of his participation in all their sorrows and pains, and the kingdom did not have to fall into disrepair until his deeds were full of luxury, misguidance, oppression and violence, and Don't be prejudiced.  Along with Richen Shah, the other person who entered the state of Kashmir was Shah Mir, a tourist from Savad Kanir area. Although he was well versed in a

Hast-o-Bood Part-20

Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir According to another tradition[1], a giant named Keshp existed in the time of Hazrat Sulayman (as). When Hazrat Sulaiman (as) came here for sightseeing and entertainment, he liked Sati Sar Lake and the snow-capped mountains around it very much. So they decided to settle people in this place. To carry out his plan, he ordered the tortoise to dry the water of Lake Sati Sar. Who cut the mountain from the place of Baramulla and poured the water of the lake from various places into various streams and thus these people were settled on this dry land. On the contrary, it is said that in the time of Hazrat Sulaiman (as) a fairy named Mir was fascinated by a giant named Kashf. Which brought her to mind. He appealed to the Prophet Solomon in this regard. Hazrat Sulaiman (PBUH) said to this giant who had seen this charming region during his tourism that if you drain the water of Lake Sati Sar, you will get Gohar