Hast-o-Bood Part-41

 Chapter 7

Arrival and residence of Rajput Mangral in Gujarat

When Rai Abdul Hakim arrived in Gujarat, all three of his sons, Mian Kamal Din, Mian Muhammad Azam and Mian Muhammad Maqsood, along with other family members, moved with him. Obviously such a long journey was not possible with an addicted person. At that time, transportation and easy means of transportation were also lacking. Then there was the prostitution of prostitutes everywhere. Therefore, the hardships of the mountain road and the inconvenience of staying in a foreign land will not require a sensible person to take a picture to understand the situation of this troubled refugee family. This short caravan reached the headquarters of Gujrat Tehsil in the border district of Gujrat in Punjab and first sold out on the outskirts of the city. It was relatively quiet here because the permanent occupation and administration of the Sikhs made the administration here a thousand times better than the tumultuous life of the state. Dozens of means of labor and livelihood were available. Then for those who are hungry for hard work, starvation is not destined at any time. The Punjabi proverb is "Do work hard and get reward".

Rai Abdul Hakim's young children became the support of their old and tough father. Mian Kamal Din and Mian Muhammad Maqsood had changed the Sikh system of empire and common parlance from "Rai" to "Mian". He had left the concept of Raja or Rai in the state and now as a common man he was ready to make progress in the shadow of the values ​​of the new environment. Mian Kamal Din joined the Sikh army as a soldier. While Mian Muhammad Maqsood started earning immortal power from drug addiction in the Diwan. By memorizing the Qur'an, Mian Muhammad Azam made it his motto to serve his father in the absence of his brothers. Tradition has it that this family now had all the characteristics of a middle-class family and they were completely satisfied with their migration when Rai Abdul Hakim passed away. Deprived of their affection, the family was once again exhausted with grief. But nature accepted something else. At the same time, the Sikh ruler Maharaja Ranjit Singh arrived in Gujarat on his way to Kashmir and stayed at Qila Shahi here one day before returning to Lahore. Mian Muhammad Azam lived with his mother and other family near the fort's minefield, later renamed Mohalla Chabakswaran. As usual, Mian Muhammad Azam recited the Qur'an aloud in the morning with great joy. And later he started reciting Dua Syriani in a painful tone. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was very upset with this voice and ordered that this singer be brought immediately. So the royal guards took Mian Sahib to the Maharaja. The Maharaja looked at this handsome young man with a twinkle in his eye, whose face showed signs of family nobility and happiness.

At a time when youth leads people astray, the inclination of this handsome, handsome young man towards religion became a moment of reflection for the Maharaja. After a little Tamil, the Maharajah decided in his heart to take him with him and said that Mian Sahib had been chosen to serve his royal family. Mian Sahib bowed down under the ruling of Marg-e-Mafajat. The Maharaja's order was given to the family who came home. Immediately prepared and thus Mian Muhammad Azam left for Lahore with his wife and two young children Mian Rasool Bakhsh and Mian Noor Khan alias Mian Noor Khan, the caravan of the Maharaja.

Mian Muhammad Azam's personal performance in the royal palace, the service of Maharani Jindan and Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the care of domestic affairs were limited. He also realized the education of his two sons with the understanding and administrative skills of the head of government and wished to see his children prosper and sent both the children to the local school with the permission of the Maharaja. The example of Honhar Barda's Chakne Chakne Pat was obtained by both brothers after graduating from the mosque's seminary in early Persian and Gurmukhi. Both were just reaching the limits of their youth when Mian Muhammad Azam passed away. Now the two brothers had to think seriously about determining their own paths in life. All his family members were living in Gujarat while he was performing royal duties in Lahore with his father. Apart from being handsome and beautiful, Mian Rasool Bakhsh also had a distinguished personality like his late father. He was so popular and accessible in the palace of Maharaja Ranjit Singh that Maharani J. Devi, popularly known as Rani Jindan, used to call him Banra, meaning groom. One day Mian Sahib took the Maharani in confidence and impressed her with his domestic situation and worries and asked her to help him in getting permission to go to Gujarat. On the recommendation of the Maharani, the Maharaja granted his request and ordered his commander-in-chief, Sardar Gulab Singh Dogra, to appoint this devoted young man of the homeland as the head of the ammunition depot in Gujarat. Thus Mian Rasool Bakhsh from Lahore was appointed by the Sikh government to be the ammunition depot of Gujarat Fort. Here, too, he showed his hard work, honesty, duty and family nobility.

to be continued ...

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