Hast-o-Bood Part-19
Chapter IV Historical background and brief overview of the state of Jammu and Kashmir Holar Dame Side The history of Kashmir spans over five thousand one hundred years. Ancient books [1] Neela Mat, by Pandit Neel Nag, Raj Targni, by Kalhan Pandit, Minister and Special Adviser to Raja J. Singh of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, Puran, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Birth Katha, Bhagwat Gita, Mahatma of Shad, Veda Shastra and Other books written in the Indian subcontinent reveal authentic facts about the shape, location and evolution of life in Kashmir. Because the destiny of the state has long been associated with undivided India, ancient students not only from northern India but also from various parts of India Used to wander in search of sanctuaries to ward off worldly noise and evil. Civilized human life in India evolved from Brahma according to Manuji's Dharma Shastra. From the birth of its two sons, the Sun and the Sun, the Sun Bansi and the Moon Bansi or the Moon Bansi, the nations be...